PayPal Australia Driving Business Online Came to Coffs

September 5, 2012 at 12:00 pm / by

The Driving Business Online education program (an initiative of PayPal Australia) was held in Coffs Harbour on 29th August 2012. It was held at Breakfree Aanuka Beach resort. The session started at 9:00am and went on for two hours.

The program was structured into 5 major segments, but the ones that I found most useful were the Flying Solo Tips and the Q&A segment with the owner of

Flying Solo gave you 5 useful tips on how to achieve online success. The Q&A section gave you an insight on how became a success not just in Coffs Harbour but nationally.

Overall, I found the program very useful and I recommend that you attend if it gets held in an area near you.


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